Dear Ed: I received my copy of the first issue of TVia and was so pleased at the stories and articles it cont ained. Just keep up the good work and get No. 2 out real soon as we TVs dearly love to read it. I am enclos- ing a money order for my copy of No. 2. I wish you luch in this new venture.
(I wish others had been as prompt as ing in for No. 2. it would certainly
S.L.B. Penn.
S.L.B. in sand- lighten my load-Ed)
Dear Ed: I am 42 yrs., 6 ft. 190 lb., married, 4 child- ren. Wife knows but doesnt understand. Have consulted
with Dr. George Henry of Rochester N.Y. the greatest M.D. expert on TV, also Dr. Harry Benjamin. There is no cure so lets deal with it out in the open. I was Capt. of a (major university) team--got the D.S.C. in combat but I still have this problem.
S.C. Kentucky
(I'll bet that if the past histories of TVs were looked into that the majority would be found to have demons- trated an above average degree of masculine achievement of one kind or another. It only goes to show that appre- ciation of the feminine is NOT necessarily accompanied by a depreciation of the masculine. The feminine express- ion is often merely another aspect of a total personaity--Ed) Dear Ed: Perhaps you know "Suzanne" of L.A. that wrote in the first issue. If you do would ask her to write to me. Also would like to know if the D'Eon resort actually exists? Would not like to write to the address and not have such a place there. Do you happen to know of some places in Chi- cago where one of "us" an go and meet others?
(Yes the resort exists, write to the address given. Unfor- tunately the Ed. cant act as a clearing house, I havent the time, suggest you answer Suzanne thru Person to Person proce- dure and insert an ad yourself re the Chicago situation--Ed)